Monday, November 7, 2016

Six Ingredient Breakfast - Eggs, Veggies and English Muffins

Keeping it simple on a Monday morning with a healthy and filling SIX ingredient breakfast! This breakfast has it all...a serving of veggies, filling protein and satisfying carbs and healthy fats.  And it can all come together in under 10 minutes!


  • 2 whole eggs
  • 1-2 large handfuls of spinach
  • 1 tomato or a handful of cherry tomatoes, diced
  • 1 whole wheat English muffin
  • Reduced fat cream cheese
  • Sprinkle of chia seeds

Pantry Items: Olive oil, salt and pepper.  (*not counted in the six main ingredients*)


  • Split the English muffin and toast to desired done-ness.
  • Meanwhile, crack the eggs into a bowl, scramble and pour into a pan over medium heat.  Cook until done to your liking and season with S&P.
  • Transfer eggs onto your plate.
  • *Don't forget to check your English muffins!  You don't want those to burn.*
  • In the same pan that you cooked the eggs in, drizzle in some olive oil and turn the heat up to medium high.  Add the tomatoes and let cook a minute or two until they start getting soft and blistering.
  • Add the spinach and wilt until done to your liking.
  • Season with S&P.
  • Transfer to the plate with the eggs.
  • Smear some cream cheese onto your English muffins and sprinkle with chia seeds.
  • Enjoy!

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Workout Wednesday - Active Maternity

This morning I did something I haven't done in a long a workout in early morning before work.  I discovered that Beachbody has yet another great workout option for me...Active Maternity!  These are workouts designed specifically for pregnant women and they're available on Beachbody on Demand.

They are broken into 1st, 2nd and 3rd trimester workouts with an option for post-natal as well.  I tried out the 2nd trimester workout since I'm almost to 16 weeks.  It was great!  It was only 23 minutes, including warm up and cool down, which may have been my favorite feature.  I was not up for a long workout early in the morning.  I also really enjoyed incorporating some weights into the routine.

Read more about Active Maternity by Beachbody on Demand HERE!

Another thing I loved about the workout, and really, any Beachbody program I've tried so far, is that you can modify it to your needs and comfort level.  I took some extra breaths and didn't do as many reps on certain exercises, but that's the great thing about working out with a "virtual" trainer via DVD or computer...they can't see you, haha!  But really, all the trainers I've worked out with via Beachbody encourage you to modify as needed, take a water break, etc. and this is if you're pregnant or not!

Pregnancy aside, the trainer allows you to take any fitness program at your own pace while also encouraging you to try a little harder...hold that plank for another couple of seconds, get that last squat in, try a slightly heavier might surprise yourself.

I'm definitely going to be using these Active Maternity workouts in my arsenal of exercises while pregnant.  Everything I've heard, read and been told by friends and doctors, points to exercise being invaluable for me and baby...for the pregnancy, labor and delivery and recovery.  Sounds good to me, so I will keep it up and try to be active in one way or another most days.  Not all days and not specialized exercise all the time...sometimes it may be a 30 minute walk around the neighborhood but that's better than not moving at all (also true...pregnant or not!)