Monday, November 7, 2016

Six Ingredient Breakfast - Eggs, Veggies and English Muffins

Keeping it simple on a Monday morning with a healthy and filling SIX ingredient breakfast! This breakfast has it all...a serving of veggies, filling protein and satisfying carbs and healthy fats.  And it can all come together in under 10 minutes!


  • 2 whole eggs
  • 1-2 large handfuls of spinach
  • 1 tomato or a handful of cherry tomatoes, diced
  • 1 whole wheat English muffin
  • Reduced fat cream cheese
  • Sprinkle of chia seeds

Pantry Items: Olive oil, salt and pepper.  (*not counted in the six main ingredients*)


  • Split the English muffin and toast to desired done-ness.
  • Meanwhile, crack the eggs into a bowl, scramble and pour into a pan over medium heat.  Cook until done to your liking and season with S&P.
  • Transfer eggs onto your plate.
  • *Don't forget to check your English muffins!  You don't want those to burn.*
  • In the same pan that you cooked the eggs in, drizzle in some olive oil and turn the heat up to medium high.  Add the tomatoes and let cook a minute or two until they start getting soft and blistering.
  • Add the spinach and wilt until done to your liking.
  • Season with S&P.
  • Transfer to the plate with the eggs.
  • Smear some cream cheese onto your English muffins and sprinkle with chia seeds.
  • Enjoy!

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Workout Wednesday - Active Maternity

This morning I did something I haven't done in a long a workout in early morning before work.  I discovered that Beachbody has yet another great workout option for me...Active Maternity!  These are workouts designed specifically for pregnant women and they're available on Beachbody on Demand.

They are broken into 1st, 2nd and 3rd trimester workouts with an option for post-natal as well.  I tried out the 2nd trimester workout since I'm almost to 16 weeks.  It was great!  It was only 23 minutes, including warm up and cool down, which may have been my favorite feature.  I was not up for a long workout early in the morning.  I also really enjoyed incorporating some weights into the routine.

Read more about Active Maternity by Beachbody on Demand HERE!

Another thing I loved about the workout, and really, any Beachbody program I've tried so far, is that you can modify it to your needs and comfort level.  I took some extra breaths and didn't do as many reps on certain exercises, but that's the great thing about working out with a "virtual" trainer via DVD or computer...they can't see you, haha!  But really, all the trainers I've worked out with via Beachbody encourage you to modify as needed, take a water break, etc. and this is if you're pregnant or not!

Pregnancy aside, the trainer allows you to take any fitness program at your own pace while also encouraging you to try a little harder...hold that plank for another couple of seconds, get that last squat in, try a slightly heavier might surprise yourself.

I'm definitely going to be using these Active Maternity workouts in my arsenal of exercises while pregnant.  Everything I've heard, read and been told by friends and doctors, points to exercise being invaluable for me and baby...for the pregnancy, labor and delivery and recovery.  Sounds good to me, so I will keep it up and try to be active in one way or another most days.  Not all days and not specialized exercise all the time...sometimes it may be a 30 minute walk around the neighborhood but that's better than not moving at all (also true...pregnant or not!)

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Make Your Own Trail Mix

Here's a quick and easy one you could throw together late on a Sunday night or even with a couple extra minutes on a Monday morning.  This came about because I was looking for a "snack" to pack for work one weekday morning.  I was running out of time before I had to get on the road to the office and thought, "I don't have anything to eat!"

Oh yes I do!  I had originally just put some raisins into a container and was about to call it done.  Then I realized I had half a granola bar sitting in the fridge so I crumbled that up and added it to the raisins.  A quick peek into the pantry yielded some pumpkin and sunflower seeds so they got added to the party.  And the best way to finish it off?  With some chunks of dark chocolate of course!

This turned out to be a super easy and super simple "trail mix" that I threw together with stuff that was already in my pantry.  It was a great snack for that 3:00pm lull when I just want a little something to get me to 5 o'clock.  Salty, sweet, chewy, crunchy and best of all...healthy and delicious!

Try this out for yourself!  Go check your pantry and see what goodies you have lying around that you can combine.  Nuts, granola, chocolate, seeds, dried fruit, crackers, pretzels, anything!

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Workout Wednesday - Pregnant!

Surprise, surprise!  Shortly after starting PIYO at the beginning of August, we found out I was pregnant!  Not too much of a surprise for us as it was part of our plan, but it did alter my goals and expectations of the PIYO program.  I don't have any "traditional" before and after photos to share since I was obviously not going to be losing weight once we realized I was pregnant.

The photo above shows me at Day 1 of PIYO, unaware of the start of the tiny little life inside of me.  It also shows me 13.5 weeks into my pregnancy journey.  Still working out, but modifying as needed.

I've since completed the two months of PIYO but it was certainly not done how I would have done it prior to being pregnant.  I had to slow down, keep an eye on my heart rate and make sure I modified any positions that felt uncomfortable or gave me an increased risk of falling over or hurting myself.  Even though I don't have any traditional "weight loss" stats to share with you, I can tell you PIYO definitely helped me accomplish several other non-scale victories!

  • My flexibility and balance were vastly improved.
  • I could hold a plank for 90 seconds, pretty easily.
  • My push up strength improved and I could do more of them on my toes instead of on my knees.
  • I became more aware of my posture throughout the day.
  • I stuck the Warrior 3 pose without falling over once.
  • I just had an overall feeling of strength and health, knowing I was doing good things for my body.
  • Before we knew about the pregnancy, I had been on my way to losing 5 pounds in the first month of PIYO.  Obviously that changed and I've since put on weight, as I should be!

Even though I am officially "done" with my first round of PIYO, I'm certainly going to keep it in the rotation of exercises I plan on doing throughout my pregnancy, and after the baby is here.  Currently I've gone back to my first Beachbody love, T25.  I freaking love that program!  The 25 minute workouts are the best part about it for me.  And I can still get a good sweat on, just by following the modifier person they have in each workout.  I wear a heart rate monitor and make sure to keep my heart rate below 140.  This is all doctor worries!

I'm hoping my healthy habits before pregnancy and during will allow me a smoother (easier...ha?!) labor, delivery and recovery.  This seems to be a great overall plan according to my doctors and friends who have been through it before!

Now, I just need to get my eating habits back on track.  Once the doctor said, "Yep, you're pregnant!" all my mind wanted was carbs and cheese, haha!  I do eat those, but I need to make sure I'm balancing it with fruits, veggies and lean proteins.  I'm grateful to have an online support system in our Challenge Group that helps keep me in check. Good for me and good for baby.

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Banana Blueberry Steel Cut Oats

It's Sunday morning so let's keep this easy shall we?

This is a tasty and healthy oatmeal bowl to get your day started right.


  • 1 cup unsweetened almond milk
  • 1 tsp. vanilla
  • 1 tsp. cinnamon
  • 1/2 cup steel cut quick oats
  • 1/2 cup blueberries
  • 1 banana, sliced
  • 1/4 cup walnuts, chopped


  • Bring the milk, vanilla and cinnamon to a boil over high heat, stirring occasionally so the milk doesn't burn.
  • Add the oats and turn the heat to low.
  • Cook at a low simmer, uncovered, approx. 5-6 minutes, depending on your desired level of "doneness."
  • Pour into a bowl and top with the fruit and walnuts.
  • Enjoy the rest of your Sunday!

Saturday, October 15, 2016

4 Ingredient General Tso Chicken and Broccoli

I'm writing this specific blog post for my brother Jake.  By his own admission, he doesn't do much cooking at home and says he's not sure how to make easy meals.  Jake, this one is for you!  He also needs to eat gluten free most of the time due to allergies so here you go...a GLUTEN FREE meal with only FOUR INGREDIENTS!  Oh, it also comes together in less than 15 minutes.

My husband and I eat this meal a few times a month and it's a life saver on weeknights after we come home from busy work days and long commutes.  I definitely take some help from the store to make this come together super easily.  No shame in that!

Check out 3 of the 4 ingredients pictured below:

Some people snub this minute rice stuff but we love it.  So much easier and faster than trying to make a batch of rice on a Tuesday night.  Between the rice, the ready-to-go sauce and the pre-washed and pre-chopped broccoli, this is an easy lunch or dinner anyone can embrace.  Combine it with some boneless, skinless chicken breasts and you've got yourself a pretty healthy meal as well, with a good balance of protein, healthy carbs and veggies.


  • 1 pound boneless, skinless chicken breasts, chopped into bite size pieces
  • 1 bag of ready-to-use broccoli florets 
    • PRO TIP: Feel free to use whatever veggie you like here.  Snap peas would be great with this too!
  • 2 containers of the ready-to-use minute brown rice 
    • PRO TIP: You can get the same stuff in microwavable bags that are usually 90 seconds cook time.  I stock up on these when they're on sale because they make dinners easy and work great for an office lunch too!
  • 1 bottle of General Tso sauce 
    • PRO TIP: You can use as much or as little sauce as you want in the recipe.  We like it "saucy" but can usually get two meals out of one bottle.

Pantry Items (not included in the 4 ingredients): Salt, pepper, olive oil

Optional Ingredient: Sesame seeds (I was fancy this night and had some black sesame seeds in the pantry that I garnished with.  Totally optional if you want to keep this at 4 ingredients.)


  • In a large pan, drizzle a couple tablespoons of olive oil in the pan and heat to medium high. Drop the chicken into the pan, season with S&P and cook until lightly browned and cooked through, about 5 minutes depending on the size of your chicken pieces.
  • Add as much sauce as you'd like and kick the heat back to low to let the sauce simmer and get all delicious with that chicken.
  • While the sauce and chicken are getting to know each other, go ahead and pop that rice into the microwave per package instructions.  Should only take 60-90 seconds depending on what brand you buy.
  • If you bought the broccoli in one of those ready-to-steam bags, pop that sucker into the microwave as well and cook according to package instructions.  You can also do a quick boil in some water on the stove top.
  • Plate up the rice and top with the chicken and broccoli.
  • Garnish with sesame seeds (optional).
  • Enjoy!

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Workout Wednesday - Hurricane Edition

Here in Florida we sometimes get the special treat of a hurricane.  This one looks to be a big one!  In honor of today's Workout Wednesday, I figure, why not theme my workout to the big news story?

I came up with the Hurricane Workout below:

I watched the weather report for about 4 minutes this morning and wound up with the following:

  • 20 pushups
  • 40 squats
  • 50 bicep curls
  • (2) 30 second plank holds
  • (1) 30 seconds high knees
  • 20 tricep dips
  • (2) 30 second wall sits
  • 40 lunges
  • 20 bicycle crunches
  • 20 mountain climbers

I'd call that a pretty decent workout!

So if you're home tomorrow, safe, and with power...turn on the TV and watch the weather...see how much of a sweat you can work up after just a short weather report!

Stay safe my Florida friends and family! 

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Easy Veggies Two Ways

Last week I came home after a busy work day and just wanted to EAT.  I was tempted to eat something a little bit junky but I realized I had a bunch of easy veggies laying around that I could throw into one pan and call it a night.  This can serve as a main vegetarian dish that you could even add some whole wheat pasta or quinoa to.  Or you could use it as a vegetable side to a piece of grilled chicken.  You could even make it into a lunch the next day like I did.

Version #1 came together very quickly.  It was a version of something I like to call a "Chop & Drop."  You just chop the ingredients and drop them all into one pan or pot together.  No muss, no fuss!

You can use this method for whatever ingredients you have on hand.  This night I happened to use the following:


  • 1 can corn
  • 1 pre-washed bag of spinach
  • 1-2 handfuls of grape tomatoes (I just used what I had left on the counter)
  • 1 zucchini, chopped
  • 1 medium onion, chopped
  • EVOO
  • S&P
  • Crushed red pepper flakes (optional)


  • Add some EVOO to a large pan and heat to medium high.
  • Add the chopped onion and season with S&P.  Cook until soft and just turning golden, about 5 minutes.
  • Add the chopped zucchini, cooking about 3-5 minutes until starting to soften.
  • Add the grape tomatoes and cook another 3-5 minutes (this all goes fast if you crank the heat up)
  • Add the corn and season again with S&P.  Cook a couple minutes.
  • Add the whole bag of spinach, season with S&P.  PRO TIP: Spinach will wilt WAY down. Depending on the size of your pan you may need to do this in batches.  I find this is a great way to easily use a whole bag of that pre-washed spinach without it withering away slowly in your fridge's produce drawer.
  • Add crushed red pepper flakes (optional) if you want a little spice.  Taste for seasoning.
  • Enjoy!

This made a big batch of veggies for me and I used a little less than half for my dinner that night.  The rest went into the fridge to be used as leftovers the next day.  

I didn't feel like eating the leftovers as just another side so I heated the mixture up, stuffed it into some lightly toasted pita and sprinkled with Parmesan cheese.  Viola, you have Version #2 of the same veggies.  Yummy!  I had myself an easy vegetable pita sandwich for lunch. This was colorful, healthy, filling AND, most importantly, tasty.  

I hope this inspires you to incorporate more veggies into your meals.  They can be just as quick as waiting for a pizza delivery (even quicker actually!) and certainly better for your mind and body.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Workout Wednesday - Day 59 (sort of) of PIYO

Today is Day 59 of PIYO...sort of.  Technically I missed a solid week of workouts because my mind and body took a break after the Labor Day weekend at the start of this month.  I indulged myself in some rest and relaxation...and food...that made it hard to get back on track after the long weekend away from my normal routine.  Then I got a bit of a sore throat/cold situation happen so I slacked on my regular workout routine.

I am committing to another week of PIYO to take me into the first full week of October. I'll finish just in time to celebrate the start of hockey season in our house (which means 1st Game Pizza) and our 5 year anniversary.

The photo above was from my workout yesterday, on Day 58.  I'm going to take this to a solid 70 days.  I always feel better when I complete a workout and I know I'll feel accomplished when I complete the ones I missed earlier this month.

The progress I've been making in my strength and flexibility keep me going.  Above is the Beast Pose where you're on all fours but you push off your knees by about an inch so you're hovering over the ground.  This may look easy but Holy Core!  Those muscles engage like WHOA!

Another pose I've improved on?  Warrior 3!  This one had me falling all OVER the place at the start of the PIYO program.  Now I can hold this pose and feel much more stable in it. Another accomplishment and achievement that is not measured by the scale!


Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Workout Wednesday - Let's Stop Talking About Our "Flaws"

For today's Workout Wednesday, I wanted to share a little something I read in my latest issue of Glamour magazine.  The editor's note was about going makeup free.  Mila Kunis, their cover star for last month, even posed without makeup for the cover.

This isn't a post about makeup, of which I know very little about and also don't wear much of.  It's about loving yourself and appreciating yourself whether you're all done up for a fancy night out or at home in your sweats, messy hair and no makeup.  Being kind to yourself whether you've reached a fitness goal or you're still working towards it.

Below is an excerpt from the editors note by Cindi Leive that I tore out and keep nearby as a good reminder about self acceptance.

"Either way, let's stop talking about our "flaws."  One phrase you won't see in this magazine's discussion of the more natural beauty look: that it's about "embracing your flaws" or "accepting your imperfections," as all the self-help memes in my Instagram feed say these days.  Sorry, what?  The lines around your eyes, your beauty marks - these are not flaws; this is your face!  This isn't just a semantic point, either: Seeing your spots, dots and wobbly bits as flaws implies that there is, out there, some perfect ideal you're not measuring up to, and that the best you can do in this world is to accept that sad truth and move on.  I'm not down with that!  You're you, I'm me, and neither one of us is flawed." - Cindi Leive, Editor-in-Chief, Glamour Magazine

I agree with Cindi!  There is NO "perfect" ideal out there that you're not measuring up to. Give yourself a break!  You are working on yourself and your own happiness.  Comparing yourself to others steals that joy away from you.

I know this is easier said than done.  I've been there!  That's why it's important to have these reminders every once in awhile.

Love you body.  Treat it well.  Embrace yourself.

And go workout.  Not to lose weight, but to treat yourself.  Those endorphins will make you feel great and a finished workout provides such a sense of accomplishment!

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Workout Wednesday - Day 45 of PIYO


Today is Day 45 of PIYO.  Wow!  To be honest, the Labor Day weekend threw me for a loop. I missed a couple workouts and then I missed a couple more.  I'm definitely off by several days according to my PIYO calendar but I am doing my best to get back on track. I'm not going to make myself crazy by trying to make up 5 missed workouts in a day, or even a few days.

I know the work I'm doing is worth it and missing a few days won't derail me completely. Besides, one of those days I didn't do a PIYO workout I was on a 75 minute paddle board adventure.  Another day I missed a formal workout?  I was on an 8 mile walk with my husband.  Life has a way of balancing itself out.  Inhale, exhale, move on!

I know each day, each little healthy choice I make for myself is good for my mind, body and spirit.  And that's enough. :)

Also, a little reminder...

That inner voice you hear each and every day?  It's your own and you hear it most often.

Remember to speak kindly to yourself.  Be nice to yourself, your body and your mind.

You deserve it.

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Workout Wednesday - Non-Scale Victories

On this Workout Wednesday, I wanted to take a moment to discuss non-scale victories or NSV.  These are so important to be aware of, to notice and appreciate along your journey to improved health and fitness.  These are improvements in yourself that have NOTHING to do with that darn scale.  The scale is not the only way to measure progress, nor should it be!

Now I'm not saying that it's easy to stay off the scale or totally disregard what number it might reflect.  I used to weigh myself twice a week and it drove me crazy.  I became too hooked on what that scale said and forgot to realize all the other amazing things my body was doing for me. These days I weigh myself a few times a month, if that, just to check in.  I try to focus on those NSV as my main indicators of progress.  Mostly I try to just pay attention to how I FEEL.

The list of NSV listed at the top of this post are just a small sampling of what might constitute a NSV for YOU.  Try to notice these things and appreciate them when you do. I just had one last week and it consisted of me holding a plank for over a minute.  What?! At the start of this year I would have struggled to hold a plank for 15 seconds.  The fact that my body was strong enough to hold itself up for 80 SECONDS was amazing and definitely a VICTORY!

I can tell you honestly, that accomplishment made me feel better than any number I might see reflected on the scale.  It's truly amazing what consistent actions can turn into.

It's not what we do once in awhile that shapes our success, but what we do consistently. 

So why don't you try something?  Put the scale away.  Hide it in a closet, under the bed, in another room.  Give yourself a break from that little mind game gadget.

Remember, it does not know YOU.

It cannot measure all the wonderful things that make you uniquely YOU.

It doesn't know your quick wit or sense of humor.
It doesn't know your passion for volunteering.
It doesn't know your love of animals.
It doesn't measure how special and precious you are to your family and friends.
It doesn't know how many burpees you banged out in a week.
It doesn't know you broke your personal record for a plank hold.
It doesn't know you kicked ass at work yesterday.
It doesn't know that you can make delicious tacos.
It doesn't measure the fun you had at girl's night.
It doesn't measure the love you have for yourself.
It doesn't measure where you are on your personal journey.
It doesn't know your smile.
It doesn't know your husband thinks you're beautiful everyday.

It just doesn't know.  Don't give it more power than it deserves.

Oh, and today is Day 38 of PIYO and although I missed a few days over the Labor Day weekend, I'm back at it and looking to finish strong!

Monday, September 5, 2016

Green Toast - Avocado and Edamame

Have you ever tried a savory toast for breakfast?  There are lots of sweet options for breakfast but every now and then I like to go the savory route.

This one was inspired by an avocado sitting on the kitchen counter that had to be used before it went bad.  Avocado toast is super popular and there are tons of versions of this tasty toast.  I started with that as my base and decided to add on some steamed edamame, a squirt of lime and some sunflower seeds for crunchy texture.

A drizzle of honey lent a slightly sweet note to all the savory and it actually turned out to be quite a delicious and filling breakfast!  I ate this one morning before my husband and I went on a 7 mile hike and it was a great way to get some protein and carbs before heading into the wilderness.

  • Avocado (I used 1 small, ripe avocado)
  • Steamed edamame (however much fits on your pieces of toast)
  • Sprinkle of sunflower seeds
  • Drizzle of honey
  • 2 pieces of whole wheat bread
  • S&P
  • Lime

  • Toast that bread.
  • Spread that avocado on the toast.
  • Drizzle some honey on top of the avocado.
  • Edamame goes on the toast next.
  • Season with S&P as desired.
  • Squirt of fresh lime.
  • Sprinkle those seeds.
  • Done!

If you didn't know, avocados are a GOOD FAT and offer great health benefits too!

Friday, September 2, 2016

4 Ingredient Quinoa Bowl

It's Friday and if you're like me, you're ready for the long holiday weekend...Hello Labor Day!

Let's keep things simple with an easy, four ingredient meal you can enjoy for lunch or dinner. Heck, put a fried egg on top of this and even enjoy it for breakfast!

I ate this for lunch at the office.  I had all the ingredients cooked on a meal prep day and was just able to put them all in a bowl and have an easy lunch.

Vegetarian, full of protein and I got a good serving of veggies!


  • Quinoa
  • Broccoli florets
  • Edamame (frozen, steam-in-the-bag variety)
  • Baby Portobello Mushrooms
  • Optional: Garlic, Soy Sauce


  • Cook the quinoa to package directions.
  • Season the broccoli with salt, pepper, olive oil.  Roast in a 400 degree oven until browned at the edges, about 15-20 minutes.
  • Saute the mushrooms with garlic in a pan with olive oil.  Season with S&P.
  • Steam the edamame according to package directions.
  • Serve together in a bowl and top with low sodium soy sauce.
  • Enjoy!

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Workout Wednesday - Some days you just don't feel like it...

Some days are harder than others.  When my alarm went off early this morning I was just NOT feeling it.  At.  All.

But, I got up and did my workout.  It may not have been my best effort but I did it.  And I was glad when it was over.

Today's post is super simple.

Some days will be easier.
Some days will be harder.
The goal is to have more good days than bad.
Sometimes you may need to dig deep for your motivation.
Remind yourself why you're doing this.

One day you may totally skip a workout.


The world will not end if you didn't get your sweat on.

But I try to commit to one early morning workout a week and today was that day.  And it got done.

It may not have been my best workout effort but I allow myself the grace and understanding to realize that I'm only human.  I don't need to kill it everyday.

So I worked out, took my shower, ate a good breakfast and headed into work.

Now that I'm home, it's 7 o'clock and I'm very ready to eat dinner.  I'm glad I got that workout in this morning.

Today I did just what the quote below says.  And tomorrow is a new day.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Workout Wednesday - BUNS and Day 24 of PIYO

Today is Day 24 of PIYO.  You know what amazes me?  How fast the time is going! When I started on August 1st I was a little intimidated by the thought of committing to 60 straight days of this program.  And now I'm already more than a third of the way done!  It reminds me that...

I've decided to spend my time working on my health.  It won't be over after 60 days.  It's a continuous journey to treat my mind and body right and it's something I enjoy spending time on.

This Workout Wednesday was the BUNS workout from the PIYO series.  Whew, does that BURN!  This past Sunday also brought a new workout into the mix that I hadn't done yet...PIYO Strength Intervals.  That was totally different and I really enjoyed it, amidst the sweat and burning muscles, haha!  Tomorrow is another new one called DRENCH. It looks like it's the longest one and I'm curious to see what it will be like and how I'll do. Be sure to check back next week to see how I did!

So far, 24 days in, I'm really enjoying this program.  I like that it's different from anything I've done before and I can tell it's improving my core strength and flexibility which was my main goal in starting this program.  I'm also starting to see some visible arm muscles which I am super excited about!  All without lifting a single weight!

Oh hey bicep!  Good to see you!

You know what's also exciting?  Beachbody is having a HUGE Summer Blowout Sale! This is YOUR opportunity to get in on the action.  They truly do have something for everyone and every single program has modified movements so no matter your age, fitness level or experience, YOU CAN DO THIS.

Want to dance?  You can choose the newest program called Country Heat and line dance your way to healthy!  Want something more Top 40?  Choose CIZE and learn some legit dance moves that will impress your friends, or at least have you smiling while you dance it out.

Want to get in and out in 25 minutes or less?  Try my first love, T25 for 25 minute workouts or you can go military boot camp style and check out 22 Minute Hard Corps for workouts that are, you guessed it, only 22 minutes!

Want to stretch it out with me and build strength and flexibility?  Come do PIYO with me!

Do you like your gym routine and just want to try a healthy, nutrient dense shake to make meal or snack time easier and delicious?  Ask me about Shakeology!

So many great options and I'd love to help you find one that's the right fit for YOU!

Remember, that time will pass anyway...