Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Workout Wednesday - Some days you just don't feel like it...

Some days are harder than others.  When my alarm went off early this morning I was just NOT feeling it.  At.  All.

But, I got up and did my workout.  It may not have been my best effort but I did it.  And I was glad when it was over.

Today's post is super simple.

Some days will be easier.
Some days will be harder.
The goal is to have more good days than bad.
Sometimes you may need to dig deep for your motivation.
Remind yourself why you're doing this.

One day you may totally skip a workout.


The world will not end if you didn't get your sweat on.

But I try to commit to one early morning workout a week and today was that day.  And it got done.

It may not have been my best workout effort but I allow myself the grace and understanding to realize that I'm only human.  I don't need to kill it everyday.

So I worked out, took my shower, ate a good breakfast and headed into work.

Now that I'm home, it's 7 o'clock and I'm very ready to eat dinner.  I'm glad I got that workout in this morning.

Today I did just what the quote below says.  And tomorrow is a new day.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Workout Wednesday - BUNS and Day 24 of PIYO

Today is Day 24 of PIYO.  You know what amazes me?  How fast the time is going! When I started on August 1st I was a little intimidated by the thought of committing to 60 straight days of this program.  And now I'm already more than a third of the way done!  It reminds me that...

I've decided to spend my time working on my health.  It won't be over after 60 days.  It's a continuous journey to treat my mind and body right and it's something I enjoy spending time on.

This Workout Wednesday was the BUNS workout from the PIYO series.  Whew, does that BURN!  This past Sunday also brought a new workout into the mix that I hadn't done yet...PIYO Strength Intervals.  That was totally different and I really enjoyed it, amidst the sweat and burning muscles, haha!  Tomorrow is another new one called DRENCH. It looks like it's the longest one and I'm curious to see what it will be like and how I'll do. Be sure to check back next week to see how I did!

So far, 24 days in, I'm really enjoying this program.  I like that it's different from anything I've done before and I can tell it's improving my core strength and flexibility which was my main goal in starting this program.  I'm also starting to see some visible arm muscles which I am super excited about!  All without lifting a single weight!

Oh hey bicep!  Good to see you!

You know what's also exciting?  Beachbody is having a HUGE Summer Blowout Sale! This is YOUR opportunity to get in on the action.  They truly do have something for everyone and every single program has modified movements so no matter your age, fitness level or experience, YOU CAN DO THIS.

Want to dance?  You can choose the newest program called Country Heat and line dance your way to healthy!  Want something more Top 40?  Choose CIZE and learn some legit dance moves that will impress your friends, or at least have you smiling while you dance it out.

Want to get in and out in 25 minutes or less?  Try my first love, T25 for 25 minute workouts or you can go military boot camp style and check out 22 Minute Hard Corps for workouts that are, you guessed it, only 22 minutes!

Want to stretch it out with me and build strength and flexibility?  Come do PIYO with me!

Do you like your gym routine and just want to try a healthy, nutrient dense shake to make meal or snack time easier and delicious?  Ask me about Shakeology!

So many great options and I'd love to help you find one that's the right fit for YOU!

Remember, that time will pass anyway...

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Two for Tuesday - Baked Chicken

Today's post is another Two for Tuesday!  I'm sharing with you TWO different ways to eat leftover baked chicken.  In my opinion, baked chicken in and of itself is not very exciting. For me, it's all about what you serve with it or how you spice it up.

These two simple meals came about from my husband baking off a bunch of chicken breasts and leaving us with leftovers to use.  I am not a huge fan of leftover chicken so I knew I'd need to get creative in how I used it again.

My first reinvention was a delicious brown bag lunch.  I simply packed just five ingredients in my lunchbox and headed into work.  When lunch time rolled around I put together this healthy AND delicious pesto chicken with roasted veggies, brown rice and quinoa.


  • Leftover baked chicken
  • Pesto from a jar
  • Leftover roasted asparagus and tomatoes
  • A bag of that 90 second quinoa and rice (microwave that bag for 90 seconds and you're good to go)
  • Combine all and enjoy!

Not bad for a bring your own lunch to work meal!

My second version of the leftover chicken was turned into a Taco Tuesday type dinner. Except instead of tacos, I made stuffed peppers.  Yum-o!

I took that leftover chicken, which looked even sadder by the 3rd day, cut it up into small bite sized pieces and got it into a large pan with some taco seasonings, corn, onions and tomatoes.  Meanwhile, I roasted up some green peppers then filled the peppers with the taco chicken mixture, added some pepper jack cheese and popped them back into the oven.

Top with salsa and some crushed tortilla chips, serve with a couple slices of lime and you're good to go.  That 3rd day leftover baked chicken tasted awesome in this taco reincarnation!

So next time you have some less-than-appealing left overs in the fridge, be creative and try using them in a different way!  You save money, food and you get to have some fun in the kitchen. Two things I'm always striving for!

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Workout Wednesday - It's About Balance

Today is Workout Wednesday and it's also Day 17 on my PIYO journey.  I'm down 3.5 pounds which is lovely but not my main goal.  I can already see an improvement in my flexibility, balance and core strength, which are my main goals with committing to the PIYO program.

And speaking of balance, I wanted to talk about that a bit more today.  We all know LIFE is about balance.  We all try to balance various things to keep us sane and happy.  The work/life balance is a huge one.  I struggled with this years ago but have since been in a job for the past four years that makes me happy and provides that work/life balance I was craving.

I also strive for balance in the health and wellness aspect of my life.  I do drink my daily Shakeology and watch my portion sizes but I also LOVE PIZZA.  And you know what? There is room for all of that in my life.  Shakeology has really helped me curb my sugar cravings and I use it as a treat and healthy meal choice pretty much everyday.

I've also learned how to properly manage my portions and incorporate veggies into my daily meals.  And when I want that pizza?  I go for it!

Pizza (or whatever comfort food you love) doesn't have to necessarily work against your health goals.  As long as you BALANCE it in combination with exercise and a healthy diet, you're good!  For me, this means pizza a few times a month and lean proteins, whole grain carbs, healthy fats, fruits and veggies the rest of the time.

Don't get me wrong, if something arises like Boys vs. Girls Trivia Night that my husband and I did with friends the other night, I'll enjoy the chips and queso we ordered.  I balanced it with grilled mahi mahi and zucchini for my dinner.  (Side note, the Girls won!) It doesn't have to be all or nothing 100% of the time.  That's certainly no way to live and doesn't promote a Happy Life, which I am all about!

Are you interested in learning more about how to find a balance that works for YOU??

Send me a message on Facebook HERE! 

I'd love to help you get started on your health and wellness journey!

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Easy Eggs: 4, 5, 6

Yesterday I shared three easy egg recipes to get your weekend started off right and to save you some time.  Today I'm sharing three more.  That's SIX total egg recipes to make this weekend tasty, easy and healthy!  You can even use these recipes for quick weekday mornings.  None of them should take longer than about five minutes.

Easy Eggs #4
  • I use leftover roasted or sauteed veggies whenever I can.  This makes adding veggies to any meal fast and simple...just reheat in the same pan you scramble eggs in!
    • Scramble two eggs.
    • Top with reheated veggie mixture (this was black beans, zuchinni, tomatoes and peppers).
    • Garnish with a dollop of guacamole or avocado.

Easy Eggs #5
  • Only FOUR ingredients!
    • Scramble two eggs.
    • Toast two slices of whole wheat bread.
    • Saute grape tomatoes and mushrooms (season with S&P).

Easy Eggs #6
  • Only THREE ingredients!
    • Scramble two eggs.
    • Saute (or reheat leftovers) broccoli and mushrooms.

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Easy Eggs: 1, 2, 3

It's the weekend so we all want something quick and easy to start our day.  If you're anything like me you want to get your weekend started!  For me, that includes a healthy and fast breakfast so I can get outside on a sunny Saturday.

EGGS to the rescue!  Eggs are not only one of my "go to" protein sources but they're also quick cooking, inexpensive and easy to combine with a variety of different ingredients to round out a full meal.

Today I'm giving you THREE different egg combinations to kick off your weekend.

Another thing I love about eggs?  They can be eaten for breakfast, lunch or dinner!  Don't just limit these little powerhouses to the morning.

Easy Eggs #1

  • Only FOUR ingredients!
    • Scramble two eggs (season with S&P as preferred).
    • Toast two pieces of whole wheat bread.
    • Spread some almond butter on one piece of toast.
    • Side of fresh strawberries.

Easy Eggs #2
  • Only FOUR ingredients!
    • Saute chopped zucchini, asparagus and spinach (season with S&P).
    • Top with two scrambled eggs.

Easy Eggs #3
  • Only THREE ingredients!
    • Reheat leftover ground turkey in a pan (seasoned however you prefer).  Remove from pan and set on plate.
    • Saute asparagus in same pan.
    • Fry one egg and top asparagus and ground turkey with the egg (season with S&P).

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Workout Wednesday - PIYO Day 10

I am on Day 10 of my 60 Day PIYO journey.  Truth be told I thought the first three days were easy.  Ha!  Now that I'm on Day 10 and tried a couple more routines, I take that back. 100%

Day 1 was really just a fundamentals video to learn proper form and what certain positions look like.  It wasn't really a "workout."  Then Day 2 was Lower Body and it was less than 20 minutes.  Not bad and felt easy enough.  Day 3 was Upper Body and again it was a short routine and didn't feel too bad.

Let me tell you about Day 4...

The name of the Day 4 workout is SWEAT.  That's literally the name of the routine.  And WHOA did it live up to it's name!  I was DRIPPING all over my pretty new yoga mat. Funny when I bought that mat and saw it had cleaning instructions I thought, "Why would you need to clean it?  You'll just be doing some stretches with your clean bare feet."  Ha, wrong again Casey!  I've learned now that you want to wipe that sweat off to avoid any funky smells.

So Day 4 came and went (I survived and didn't melt in a puddle of sweat) and Day 5 was a REST Day.  And I needed it because my legs, especially my hamstrings, were SORE. I was pretty surprised that I felt that way after a workout that didn't involve weighted lunges, squats, burpees, etc.  All that fluid stretching had my legs on fire!

The sentiment above is so true!  This type of workout is totally new to me and I am not familiar with or comfortable with all the positions quite yet.  And there are still plenty of routines that I haven't tried yet.  Day 16 promises a routine called BUNS.  I have a feeling that's gonna hurt.  And in Month 2 I get to enjoy a routine called DRENCH.  Does that sound worse than SWEAT?!  I can't decide!

Today I was treated to my first attempt at the CORE routine.  My core is an area I am trying to improve in strength and I just knew this one would be a challenge for me.  Even more than working out at 6:15am today!  Yeah, my core needs practice.  I was falling ALL over the place but I kept with it.

  • I may be slower than the people on the DVD.
  • I may be less graceful than them.
  • I may think "How the heck do they make this look so easy?!"

But I will keep moving forward!  I know one day I will nail a Warrior 3 or a PIYO Plank.  Today was not that day, but I'll get there.  The most important thing is to keep trying!

I remember when I started the T25 program and couldn't make it through a workout without stopping multiple times to catch my breath and get some water.  Now I can power through one of those with no breaks.  And that is a great feeling of accomplishment!

In the meantime, this video basically sums up how I feel trying to hit some of those positions:

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Two Tasty Ways to Eat Raw Spinach

VEGETABLES.  You know they're good for you but sometimes it's hard to make sure you're eating enough of them.  Or to find ones you actually LIKE to eat!  I know, I've been there.

I posted about spinach last week and it's making another appearance.  I've never been one to enjoy those green juices or smoothies.  All I want in my shake is chocolate, banana and almond butter, thank you very much.  So I prefer to EAT my veggies and I've had to come up with ways that work for me.  Here's another Two for Tuesday that highlights this healthy green in two delicious ways!

Now, if you're one to enjoy snacking on raw carrot sticks or steamed broccoli, more power to you my friend!  I've tried and I just cannot get on board with certain veggies in a raw or steamed form.  I've figured out what veggies I actually like and will therefore actually EAT.  Eating them is key.

By far, one of my favorite ways to eat a wide variety of veggies is to ROAST them.  I'm telling you, roasting vegetables is like magic!  I wouldn't touch a raw carrot or broccoli, but toss those suckers in some olive oil, salt and pepper and roast them and magically they taste completely different (and much better in my opinion)!

My next favorite way is to SAUTE them, again with olive oil, salt and pepper.  Super simple and it really changes the taste of certain veggies.  Raw onions?  No thanks! Sauteing onions until they are golden and caramelized and sweet?  Yes please!

Now, I mention these two cooking methods because they are KEY in getting me to eat a plate of raw spinach.  Yes, the spinach is raw but it's the other veggies that are cooked and then combined with the spinach to create a delicious meal.

Below are TWO simple ways to get more veggies into your diet.  Both have distinctive flavor profiles so you won't get bored eating the same veggies in the same way.

First up...Taco Style!  This is a picture of what I ate at my desk while working.  See? You CAN have a colorful, healthy meal, even at work.  You've just got to pack that lunch box! This lunch was easy because I just used leftovers from Taco Night and piled them on a bed of spinach.  My taco mixture varies each time I make it but the basics are usually ground turkey (optional if you want all veggies), black beans, onions and corn.  If I have some peppers on hand I'll use those as well.  Always seasoned with salt and pepper along with my three main spices I use to get that "taco" taste...cumin, chili powder and paprika.  Saute all the veggies in a pan with some olive oil, season, and you're good to go.

I packed the taco mixture, spinach and tomatoes separately in my lunch box.  When it was time for my lunch break I just put a couple handfuls of spinach on a plate, heated the taco mixture in the microwave, added that on top of the spinach and then added some chopped grape tomatoes for extra color.  The heat of the taco mixture helps to wilt the spinach a little and the taco flavors help liven up the plain spinach.

Second version is Italian Style!  I use the same method...plate of spinach, heated veggies and garnish.  This time I piled on some roasted vegetables (mushroom, zucchini and tomato) and garnished with some pesto and freshly grated Parmesan cheese. Equally delicious and even though I was eating spinach for lunch two days in a row, it didn't feel like it since I changed up the flavors and garnishes.  This was another "brown bag" lunch I brought to work.

Think outside the sandwich box for lunch!

And realize you don't need to eat your spinach Popeye-style.  Make it work for you!

If you try it different ways and still don't like it, choose another green.  I know kale had it's moment and it seemed like everyone was eating it but I just never really enjoyed it that much.  I found my leafy green match in spinach.  If kale is your jam, go for it!  If collards make you happy, wonderful!

Whichever ones you like!

Friday, August 5, 2016

Chocolate Avocado Shake

It's FRIDAY!  This calls for a special treat but I'm still keeping it healthy sliding into the weekend.  Also keeping it short and sweet because I know you've all got weekend plans to get to!


  • Chocolate Shakeology (1 scoop)
  • Unsweetened Almond Milk (about 1 cup - more if you want the shake thinner (drink-able), less if you want it thicker (spoon-able))
  • Frozen Banana Slices (1 banana)
  • Avocado (1/2 or whole avocado depending on size)

Blend together with ice and you've got yourself a rich, smooth, creamy chocolate shake (or soft serve ice cream as I like to make it).  This recipe is full of dense super food nutrition and chocolate goodness thanks to:

Also has potassium and vitamins from the banana, as well as a healthy serving of fat from the avocado to keep you full and satisfied.

Make it thick and eat that deliciousness with a spoon or make it thinner and drink up!

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Workout Wednesday - 60 Days of PIYO (and no wine!)

Today's Workout Wednesday will be a quick one because I still need to get that workout in and it's almost dinner time!

It's the start of a new month and I thought why not start a new Beachbody program?  I've been intrigued by PIYO for awhile now.  It's different from all my other workouts in that it doesn't involve any weights or jumps.  It's supposed to be low impact and much easier on your joints.  You can also do all the workouts in your bare feet!  No socks = less laundry!

I was also drawn to this because I would like to focus more on building my core strength and improving my flexibility.  And I've also been impressed with other people's experiences and results.  I figure if I can get results like that while doing a low impact program, I've got to give it a try!

I just started this past Monday.  The first DVD you watch goes over the fundamentals and slowly takes you through the names of certain poses, the correct alignment, etc. This was super helpful for me since I've never really done any yoga or pilates.  I had no idea what Warrior Two was supposed to look like!

I'll be tracking my progress and giving you updates on Facebook and here on my blog. I've got 60 days of PIYO in front of me and I've also committed to 60 days of no alcohol.  I like the idea of this added challenge and I figure it can't hurt on the nutrition front, right?!

Let's be real...I am still going to eat pizza but in moderation (for real!)  I've already got my "pizza days" marked on the calendar to keep me on track.  Looking at you next Friday!

Let's get this done!

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Two Simple Breakfast Options

This morning I'm sharing TWO easy breakfast ideas for you!  You can even eat these for lunch or dinner.  The recipe is super basic and is really more a method than a hard and fast recipe.  It's a super simple way to pull together a well balanced meal for morning, noon or night.

Another fantastic feature?  Only SIX ingredients or less for these two examples!

If I remember correctly, I think I ate the meal pictured above for a quick lunch option. Both of these meal ideas offer a nice balance of veggies, protein and healthy fat.  Add on that piece of whole wheat toast and you've got good carbs for added energy as well!

The meal pictured below was a colorful breakfast option that I whipped together in about five minutes.  If you have time to stop at the drive through for breakfast, why not use that time and cook a better-for-your-body meal at home?

As you can see, the humble egg is an ingredient in both dishes.  The egg has got to be one of my favorite ways to pull a meal together or add some easy protein and healthy fat to a dish.  It's an inexpensive protein option and it just tastes delicious!

5 Ingredient Breakfast Dish:
  • 2 eggs
  • Spinach
  • Broccoli
  • Whole wheat bread
  • Crystal hot sauce (optional)

5 Ingredient Instructions:
  • Saute the broccoli with salt and pepper until just tender.
  • Meanwhile scramble your eggs in another pan.
  • Wilt in the spinach with the broccoli.
  • Toast your bread.
  • Top greens with the scrambled eggs.
  • Add a splash of hot sauce to your eggs.
  • Serve all together!

6 Ingredient Breakfast Dish:
  • 2 eggs
  • Spinach
  • Grape tomatoes, sliced
  • Corn
  • Black beans
  • Ground turkey

6 Ingredient Instructions:

NOTE: I had leftover "taco" style turkey, black beans and corn which I used in this dish. Using any kind of leftovers like this makes it even quicker and easier to pull together, especially in the mornings.  Instructions below are for the "leftover" version as I made it.
  • Scramble eggs and season with salt and pepper.
  • In a separate pan, heat up your leftover ground turkey, beans and corn.  
  • Wilt in the spinach.
  • Put eggs and spinach mixture on plate.
  • Over medium hot pan (the same pan you heated up your taco mixture in), blister the tomatoes for just a couple minutes.  Season with S&P.
  • Serve together and enjoy!

PRO TIP: Eat your spinach!  You can see I used it in both recipes above.  We all know that dark leafy greens are good for you but we are NOT all fans of the super trendy kale.  (Not a kale fan, right here!)  Spinach is my go to green and it's easy to see why:

It's FULL of good-for-you vitamins and minerals and, in my opinion, tastes much better than kale.  

You know what else I love about it?  

I can take a HUGE pile of raw spinach and wilt it way down in a hot pan and suddenly it doesn't feel like I'm eating a Popeye sized serving.  I love this "sneaky" method to trick my brain into eating a lot of spinach without feeling like I'm a tiny bunny trying to take down a giant spinach plant.  Seriously, the next time you cook spinach, take two BIG handfuls and wilt it into a hot pan.  You'll be surprised how much it cooks down in just a minute.  Much easier to eat!

Bunny vs. Spinach