Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Workout Wednesday - It's About Balance

Today is Workout Wednesday and it's also Day 17 on my PIYO journey.  I'm down 3.5 pounds which is lovely but not my main goal.  I can already see an improvement in my flexibility, balance and core strength, which are my main goals with committing to the PIYO program.

And speaking of balance, I wanted to talk about that a bit more today.  We all know LIFE is about balance.  We all try to balance various things to keep us sane and happy.  The work/life balance is a huge one.  I struggled with this years ago but have since been in a job for the past four years that makes me happy and provides that work/life balance I was craving.

I also strive for balance in the health and wellness aspect of my life.  I do drink my daily Shakeology and watch my portion sizes but I also LOVE PIZZA.  And you know what? There is room for all of that in my life.  Shakeology has really helped me curb my sugar cravings and I use it as a treat and healthy meal choice pretty much everyday.

I've also learned how to properly manage my portions and incorporate veggies into my daily meals.  And when I want that pizza?  I go for it!

Pizza (or whatever comfort food you love) doesn't have to necessarily work against your health goals.  As long as you BALANCE it in combination with exercise and a healthy diet, you're good!  For me, this means pizza a few times a month and lean proteins, whole grain carbs, healthy fats, fruits and veggies the rest of the time.

Don't get me wrong, if something arises like Boys vs. Girls Trivia Night that my husband and I did with friends the other night, I'll enjoy the chips and queso we ordered.  I balanced it with grilled mahi mahi and zucchini for my dinner.  (Side note, the Girls won!) It doesn't have to be all or nothing 100% of the time.  That's certainly no way to live and doesn't promote a Happy Life, which I am all about!

Are you interested in learning more about how to find a balance that works for YOU??

Send me a message on Facebook HERE! 

I'd love to help you get started on your health and wellness journey!

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