Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Two Tasty Ways to Eat Raw Spinach

VEGETABLES.  You know they're good for you but sometimes it's hard to make sure you're eating enough of them.  Or to find ones you actually LIKE to eat!  I know, I've been there.

I posted about spinach last week and it's making another appearance.  I've never been one to enjoy those green juices or smoothies.  All I want in my shake is chocolate, banana and almond butter, thank you very much.  So I prefer to EAT my veggies and I've had to come up with ways that work for me.  Here's another Two for Tuesday that highlights this healthy green in two delicious ways!

Now, if you're one to enjoy snacking on raw carrot sticks or steamed broccoli, more power to you my friend!  I've tried and I just cannot get on board with certain veggies in a raw or steamed form.  I've figured out what veggies I actually like and will therefore actually EAT.  Eating them is key.

By far, one of my favorite ways to eat a wide variety of veggies is to ROAST them.  I'm telling you, roasting vegetables is like magic!  I wouldn't touch a raw carrot or broccoli, but toss those suckers in some olive oil, salt and pepper and roast them and magically they taste completely different (and much better in my opinion)!

My next favorite way is to SAUTE them, again with olive oil, salt and pepper.  Super simple and it really changes the taste of certain veggies.  Raw onions?  No thanks! Sauteing onions until they are golden and caramelized and sweet?  Yes please!

Now, I mention these two cooking methods because they are KEY in getting me to eat a plate of raw spinach.  Yes, the spinach is raw but it's the other veggies that are cooked and then combined with the spinach to create a delicious meal.

Below are TWO simple ways to get more veggies into your diet.  Both have distinctive flavor profiles so you won't get bored eating the same veggies in the same way.

First up...Taco Style!  This is a picture of what I ate at my desk while working.  See? You CAN have a colorful, healthy meal, even at work.  You've just got to pack that lunch box! This lunch was easy because I just used leftovers from Taco Night and piled them on a bed of spinach.  My taco mixture varies each time I make it but the basics are usually ground turkey (optional if you want all veggies), black beans, onions and corn.  If I have some peppers on hand I'll use those as well.  Always seasoned with salt and pepper along with my three main spices I use to get that "taco" taste...cumin, chili powder and paprika.  Saute all the veggies in a pan with some olive oil, season, and you're good to go.

I packed the taco mixture, spinach and tomatoes separately in my lunch box.  When it was time for my lunch break I just put a couple handfuls of spinach on a plate, heated the taco mixture in the microwave, added that on top of the spinach and then added some chopped grape tomatoes for extra color.  The heat of the taco mixture helps to wilt the spinach a little and the taco flavors help liven up the plain spinach.

Second version is Italian Style!  I use the same method...plate of spinach, heated veggies and garnish.  This time I piled on some roasted vegetables (mushroom, zucchini and tomato) and garnished with some pesto and freshly grated Parmesan cheese. Equally delicious and even though I was eating spinach for lunch two days in a row, it didn't feel like it since I changed up the flavors and garnishes.  This was another "brown bag" lunch I brought to work.

Think outside the sandwich box for lunch!

And realize you don't need to eat your spinach Popeye-style.  Make it work for you!

If you try it different ways and still don't like it, choose another green.  I know kale had it's moment and it seemed like everyone was eating it but I just never really enjoyed it that much.  I found my leafy green match in spinach.  If kale is your jam, go for it!  If collards make you happy, wonderful!

Whichever ones you like!

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