Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Workout Wednesday - PIYO Day 10

I am on Day 10 of my 60 Day PIYO journey.  Truth be told I thought the first three days were easy.  Ha!  Now that I'm on Day 10 and tried a couple more routines, I take that back. 100%

Day 1 was really just a fundamentals video to learn proper form and what certain positions look like.  It wasn't really a "workout."  Then Day 2 was Lower Body and it was less than 20 minutes.  Not bad and felt easy enough.  Day 3 was Upper Body and again it was a short routine and didn't feel too bad.

Let me tell you about Day 4...

The name of the Day 4 workout is SWEAT.  That's literally the name of the routine.  And WHOA did it live up to it's name!  I was DRIPPING all over my pretty new yoga mat. Funny when I bought that mat and saw it had cleaning instructions I thought, "Why would you need to clean it?  You'll just be doing some stretches with your clean bare feet."  Ha, wrong again Casey!  I've learned now that you want to wipe that sweat off to avoid any funky smells.

So Day 4 came and went (I survived and didn't melt in a puddle of sweat) and Day 5 was a REST Day.  And I needed it because my legs, especially my hamstrings, were SORE. I was pretty surprised that I felt that way after a workout that didn't involve weighted lunges, squats, burpees, etc.  All that fluid stretching had my legs on fire!

The sentiment above is so true!  This type of workout is totally new to me and I am not familiar with or comfortable with all the positions quite yet.  And there are still plenty of routines that I haven't tried yet.  Day 16 promises a routine called BUNS.  I have a feeling that's gonna hurt.  And in Month 2 I get to enjoy a routine called DRENCH.  Does that sound worse than SWEAT?!  I can't decide!

Today I was treated to my first attempt at the CORE routine.  My core is an area I am trying to improve in strength and I just knew this one would be a challenge for me.  Even more than working out at 6:15am today!  Yeah, my core needs practice.  I was falling ALL over the place but I kept with it.

  • I may be slower than the people on the DVD.
  • I may be less graceful than them.
  • I may think "How the heck do they make this look so easy?!"

But I will keep moving forward!  I know one day I will nail a Warrior 3 or a PIYO Plank.  Today was not that day, but I'll get there.  The most important thing is to keep trying!

I remember when I started the T25 program and couldn't make it through a workout without stopping multiple times to catch my breath and get some water.  Now I can power through one of those with no breaks.  And that is a great feeling of accomplishment!

In the meantime, this video basically sums up how I feel trying to hit some of those positions:

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