Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Workout Wednesday - Let's Stop Talking About Our "Flaws"

For today's Workout Wednesday, I wanted to share a little something I read in my latest issue of Glamour magazine.  The editor's note was about going makeup free.  Mila Kunis, their cover star for last month, even posed without makeup for the cover.

This isn't a post about makeup, of which I know very little about and also don't wear much of.  It's about loving yourself and appreciating yourself whether you're all done up for a fancy night out or at home in your sweats, messy hair and no makeup.  Being kind to yourself whether you've reached a fitness goal or you're still working towards it.

Below is an excerpt from the editors note by Cindi Leive that I tore out and keep nearby as a good reminder about self acceptance.

"Either way, let's stop talking about our "flaws."  One phrase you won't see in this magazine's discussion of the more natural beauty look: that it's about "embracing your flaws" or "accepting your imperfections," as all the self-help memes in my Instagram feed say these days.  Sorry, what?  The lines around your eyes, your beauty marks - these are not flaws; this is your face!  This isn't just a semantic point, either: Seeing your spots, dots and wobbly bits as flaws implies that there is, out there, some perfect ideal you're not measuring up to, and that the best you can do in this world is to accept that sad truth and move on.  I'm not down with that!  You're you, I'm me, and neither one of us is flawed." - Cindi Leive, Editor-in-Chief, Glamour Magazine

I agree with Cindi!  There is NO "perfect" ideal out there that you're not measuring up to. Give yourself a break!  You are working on yourself and your own happiness.  Comparing yourself to others steals that joy away from you.

I know this is easier said than done.  I've been there!  That's why it's important to have these reminders every once in awhile.

Love you body.  Treat it well.  Embrace yourself.

And go workout.  Not to lose weight, but to treat yourself.  Those endorphins will make you feel great and a finished workout provides such a sense of accomplishment!

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