Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Workout Wednesday - Fighting a Summer Cold

For the last several days I've been busy fighting a summer cold.  I rarely get sick so this one really knocked me on my butt this past weekend.  Ryan even said, in all the years we've been together, he can't remember seeing me sick.  I had what I thought was just a sore throat that cleared up in about a day and a half but then the sinus congestion came out of nowhere and hit me HARD.

Especially over the weekend, I was down for the count.  Couldn't breath from my nose and had to be a mouth breather...all weekend.  Not fun for anyone, let me tell you!  I was feeling a bit sluggish from being sick and laying around the house.  I hadn't had a good workout in at least 4 days and I had an overall feeling of ICK.  

But, I know it's important to listen to my body.  I could barely bend over and pick something up without my head feeling like it would explode from the sinus pressure. There was NO WAY I would get through a normal workout.  And you know what, that's OK.  I mean really, who am I trying to prove something to?  No one.  I know I live a healthy lifestyle and get normal exercise and also treat my body well by regularly eating good-for-me food.  Taking three, four or even five days off from working out wasn't going to hurt me.  If anything, it would help me heal and give my body the rest it needed. 

Sure, there are those people who are like, "Man, I had a fever, runny nose and was coughing every 5 seconds, but I went to the gym anyway!"  Dude, stay home!  Lay down on the couch, binge on Netflix and get some rest like a normal sick person. :)  No one is handing out medals for working out while you're sick.  Take the rest!

Treating myself to chocolate Shakeology, green tea with honey and water while I was sick and didn't have much of an appetite. 

And even though today is Workout Wednesday, I'm taking the rest.  I think I'm just about over the cold but I still have some congestion and I don't want to push it.  I did manage a workout yesterday and it felt pretty good but I could tell my body wasn't up for two days in a row of high intensity cardio.  

You know what else helped get me through that workout yesterday?  Besides the fact that it was only 25 minutes and it felt good to feel like I was sweating out the sick...

My ever present workout buddy, Hamilton!  That's our gray cat in the picture below.  As soon as I turn on the DVD and he hears a workout starting, he runs into the living room and stays there with me the whole time.  He sat in a shoe box and watched me during my whole workout.  I mean, come on!  How could I not enjoy my workout while I had this cute face staring up at me, giving me motivation in his own special way?  I laughed my way through most of my workout and it felt pretty good.  I had to take a photo with this guy after I was done. He's the sweetest!

Hamilton, I look forward to getting my sweat on tomorrow with you by my side!  Tonight, I'm taking it easy and crawling into bed early.

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