Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Workout Wednesday - Back from Vacation!

We are back home after a wonderful vacation to Seattle and Alaska!  We spent two days in Seattle exploring the city and completely loved it.  Then we headed out of the Port of Seattle on a seven night cruise along the Alaskan coast.  Wow!  Beautiful scenery and so different from what I'm used to in Florida.  Just check out that mountain!  This was the view at Sturgill's Landing in Skagway, AK.  It was the pay off from an 8 mile round trip hike my husband and I spontaneously ventured out on.  Just gorgeous with the forest, mountains and water...and the sunny day!

Another highlight of the trip?  We got to play with Alaskan puppies that will be trained by the dog mushers to race.  Too much CUTENESS!

I can do several posts about our trip and the fun we had but let's focus on Workout Wednesday.  Workout Wednesday did NOT happen while we were on vacation.  I had a vision of getting to the gym on the cruise ship and getting my sweat on, but the closest I got to it was walking through the gym with a glass of wine in my hand on the way to dinner. Cheers to an honest vacation! :)

Another honest vacation moment?  I packed what I referred to as my "beginning of cruise jeans" and my "end of cruise jeans"...two different sizes in case I needed some more breathing room at the end of vacation, ha!  But, to my surprise, I didn't need as much room as I had in the waistband of those "end of cruise jeans."  

Now, let's be real.  I ate and I drank...a lot.  We bought the beverage package on the ship just for me.  My husband knew I would drink enough to make it worth it.  I am Irish and German after all. :)  Let's just say the bartender at my most frequented bar on board knew me by name and knew my order each time.  And my eating habits were definitely not what I would normally do at home.  This had a lot to do with not being in control of my food.  You ate what the cruise ship provided and that consisted of lots of carbs. Carbs upon delicious carbs.  There were days or nights when we'd eat a relatively light lunch or dinner in the dining room on board, then exchange a look with each other and say, "Pizza?"  Then we'd head up to Deck 15 to the Pizza Bar and indulge ourselves.  I lost count of how many pizza slices I had during the cruise (along with that wine count...hey I bought the unlimited beverage package and you better believe I was going to make the most of that cost!)

In between the drinking and eating, we did get some activity in.  In Juneau we took a hike excursion to go check out the Mendenhall Glacier.  That was a good hike!  It was about 4-5 miles and there were some seriously steep areas where you could feel your legs burning and your breath was labored.  Again, we were rewarded with an awesome view!  A huge glacier in between two mountains.  

And that 8 mile hike we took in Skagway, not to mention all the extra walking around we did in Seattle the two days before the trip (hours of walking) and the walking we did when we were in port.  And I made myself take the stairs on the cruise ship 95% of the time. Our room was on Deck 10, my favorite bar was on Deck 7, pizza on Deck 15, dining room on Deck 6...I took thousands of steps on that ship!

Overall I was pretty active but it was the food and drink that did me in.  At the end of the trip, I was feeling pretty sluggish and really craving some fresh veggies and fruit.  Every meal on the ship felt like it consisted of this:

Breakfast croissants, muffins, pastries, a variety of rolls and bread sticks at lunch and dinner, croutons on salads and soups...bread and butter were everywhere!

I think I came back from vacation roughly 4 pounds heavier...not a huge deal but I felt enough of a lag in my energy levels that I was anxious to get back to proper nutrition and portion sizes.  That meant getting back home, stocking the fridge and starting Day 1 of the 21 Day Fix.  I got right back to it this past Monday and am on Day 3 now.  It's not hard and it feels quite good to be enjoying some balanced meals.  

And I was super excited to get back to my chocolate goodness...

That was my dinner tonight...chocolate Shakeo blended with some frozen banana and almond milk...SO GOOD!

And I even manged to wake up early this morning to get a workout in at 7:00am!  Felt so good to have that DONE so when I got home from work I immediately put on comfy clothes, blended up my healthy milkshake and enjoyed a date with my DVR (hey, husband was still at work and I have a lot of shows to catch up on after vacation!)

Overall, vacation was a wonderful time and it was so special to take that trip with my husband.  We made memories that we'll remember forever but it's always nice to come home.

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