Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Workout Wednesday - Midyear Check In!

The end of June is quickly approaching.  That means we're almost halfway done with 2016. Crazy how fast the time goes by, right?  

Did you make a resolution at the beginning of this year to take better care of yourself? Weight loss, more sleep, better nutrition, making time for a hobby you enjoy (good for the soul), etc.  

If you did, like many people do, how are you doing with that resolution?  
Have you reached your goal?  
Have you incorporated healthy habits into your daily life?  
Or do you need some help?
Maybe fallen off the wagon a bit?

I've had some days when I've nailed my workouts and nutrition.
I've also had some days when I've binge watched TV and ordered pizza.

And you know what?  Both types of days are OK, as long as I balance them and have more of the active and healthy days than the sitting-on-the-couch-eating-pizza days.

I know some people roll their eyes at the phrase above, but it's really true.  I'm not on a "diet."  I'm just eating mostly good-for-my-body food and breaking a sweat most days through some kind of active workout.  That's it.  No fad diet.  No magic pill.  No miracle shake.  Just having a balance of veggies and exercise with some days of happy hour and cheesy carbs.

It works!  I've lost roughly 15 pounds since the start of the year and have maintained it. (Give or take a few slices of pizza or glasses of wine).  And you know what's great about it? You can start a healthy lifestyle ANYTIME.

If you made a resolution for 2016 and you're crushing it, good for you!

If you fell off the wagon, grab my hand and get back on!

If you feel like you're so far away from the wagon that you're rolling around aimlessly with the tumbleweeds, that's OK too.  You can also make your way back!  

That's the great thing about each new day.  Each new morning gives us the opportunity to make new decisions.  Just because you had three servings of mac and cheese last night doesn't mean you can't eat some fruits and veggies today.  If you haven't moved your butt more than walking from the couch to the kitchen, make it a goal to take a short walk outside today.  No need to try and punish yourself with an hour long workout.  Just get that body moving in a way you enjoy.  Take a bike ride.  Swim in the pool.  Play with your pets or children.  Jump rope.  Work in the garden.  Take a hike.  You WILL feel good and happy with yourself after you break a sweat.

So what are YOU doing TODAY for your body?  Wednesday's in our house means Workout Wednesday.  That means I got up at 6:00am and will knock out my 30 minute workout at home before heading into the office.  I'll eat whole foods today to fuel my body, with my focus being on whole grains, lean proteins, healthy fats and colors (fruits and veggies!)  Tonight I'll treat myself to my version of a chocolate frosty for dinner and enjoy a show from the DVR.  

Balance.  Simple food.  Happy life.

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