Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Workout Wednesday - T25 Total Body Circuit

It's Wednesday and that means...WORKOUT WEDNESDAY!

Honestly, the main thing motivating me to get it done tonight was being able to post about it and say I DID IT.

Tonight's workout was T25 Total Body Circuit.  It's a complete body workout done in 25 minutes.  I was doing abs, legs, arms, shoulders, everything.  Honestly, it's not my favorite workout but I got it done and I am happy about that.

Let me tell you, the 180 degree squats + burpee move is HARD but I feel very impressed with myself when I accomplish a couple of those.  It's encouragement to keep going and get stronger.

Here's how I felt when I was done with the workout tonight...and I was thinking about what to eat for dinner, ha!

Here's a video of my attempt at a lunge squat progression.  Support please!  I haven't shared any video of myself working out before.  This is usually just entertainment for the cats or my dear husband. :)


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