Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Workout Wednesday - T25 Alpha

Today's Workout Wednesday was another round of Total Body Circuit.  I've already written about this one so I decided to explain a little more about the T25 concept.  This is the first at home workout I've tried and I love it!  It's nice to be able to just walk into my living room and be at the "gym."  Especially on those days I am short on time, it helps to cut out the 20 minutes or so I'd spend on a round trip drive to the actual gym.

My second favorite thing about the T25 program is that the workouts are only 25 minutes! I've gotten to a point where I don't need to look at the screen to see the demonstration of each move so the workout flies by even quicker when I'm not looking at the countdown clock at the bottom of the screen.

I was powering through the Ab Interval workout last night and that one is ab muscles definitely need improvement!  By the time I even glanced at the clock I had less than 6 minutes left in the total workout.  That was motivation enough to get through the rest of it!

The program is a total of 10 weeks.  You spend 5 weeks in ALPHA, building a foundation, becoming comfortable with the moves, getting stronger, more flexible and more excited to move on to the BETA round.

I'm currently in week 5 of ALPHA which means I get to move on to BETA next week. I'm super excited about it because I always feel like a stronger Workout Warrior when I can tackle the BETA workouts.  And, the BETA has my all time favorite DVD in the whole program...Speed 2.0.

I can tell you, mid-way through week 5 of Alpha, I am stronger and faster than I was 5 weeks ago.  I feel better and have even dropped some pounds.  I'm eating better as well and it feels so nice to be back in a consistent routine that includes regular exercise.  

By the way, I did get this Workout Wednesday done in the MORNING before work...AGAIN! Another accomplishment to feel proud of!

Want to know my secret for getting myself out of bed early on Wednesday mornings to sweat before 8:00am?!

After my Tuesday night workout, I take a shower and rinse my hair out but don't actually shampoo it.  This forces me to wash it on Wednesday morning before work and, since I'm gonna take a shower anyway, I might as well sweat for 25 minutes and get my workout done for the day!  

A little weird maybe or silly but hey, I'll take any motivation or trick I can get to pull myself out of bed and get my workout DONE first thing in the A.M.!

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