Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Workout Wednesday - Stanley

I succeeded in TWO days in a row of getting early morning workouts done before work...yay!  I love measuring health and wellness progress in ways other than the scale. So many other changes happen when you commit to changing your lifestyle and living in a more healthful way.  I count having the energy and drive to get up before 7:00am and workout as one of those!

Wednesday's workout was another round of the Rip'T Circuit I mentioned last week. I've noticed that my stamina and strength are increasing and I don't need to take as many breaks during the routine as I did 6 weeks ago.  Another great indicator of progress!

I have also discovered my new favorite workout buddy who I affectionately refer to as Stanley.

This is a small but mighty fan that I bought at True Value.  My parents have one and I was impressed with the air it moved around and how it helped them keep their boat cool (my parents live on a boat!)  I had originally bought this for our house to keep my husband's computer room cool, especially in the summer.

One day I was about to start my workout and I decided to try using Stanley during the routine.  Oh my gosh!  What had I been missing?!  Even though my workouts are only 25 minutes, you get some serious SWEAT happening, especially in the cardio heavy routines. I stood right in the path of Stanley's breeze during my entire routine and it felt amazing!  I swear it even made it feel easier/quicker (?!) because I wasn't distracted by sweating so much.

Dear Stanley now joins me for all my living room workouts.  He's a great workout buddy!

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