Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Workout Wednesday - When Allergies Attack

Whew!  That 5k on Sunday really did a number on my legs.  Any form of sitting down, standing up or walking hurts.  Clearly I exercised some muscles in a way that woke them up and made them fight back!

Maybe not the best timing since I am into my 10th and final week of the T25 Beachbody program.  I managed to limp through my workout on Monday but it was not my best effort.  I postponed yesterday's workout until my legs start to feel a little more normal.  I know I won't be able to do any squats, lunges, jumps, burpees, etc. to the best of my ability and I want to give it my all.  I'm listening to my body and taking a rest as needed.

Thankfully when I woke up this morning my legs were starting to feel back to normal. Still some tightness and soreness but they were feeling good enough to try my hand at a workout tonight.  Happily, I powered through yesterday's and today's scheduled workouts!  I still did some minor modification on certain moves (looking at you lunges and squats!) but I got through it and felt better for it.

You know what didn't feel better?  My massive allergy attack that started the minute I woke up this morning.  Sneezing, runny nose, itchy eyes...the whole lovely package. Half my coworkers were in the same boat today.  The pollen counts around central Florida right now are off the charts.  Our office was a chorus of sneezes and sniffles today!

So, even though my legs felt better, my head and nose didn't feel so hot.  But a little runny nose wasn't going to stop me from getting my T25 done.  Behold....

Yep, that's me in all my allergy glory, with my hands free tissue method.  I couldn't deal with trying to workout out with a runny nose and holding a tissue in one hand was just getting in the way of certain exercise moves.  So, there ya go.  Big ol' tissue in the middle of my face for 25 minutes while I got my sweat on!

Not the cutest thing but it certainly made my husband laugh when he got home.  And, it helped me focus on my workout and not my dang allergies!  Hey, I'd call it a success.

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