Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Workout Wednesday - 21 Day Fix Results + Year So Far Update

They say a picture is worth a thousand words and I agree with that.  I surprised myself when I saw these pictures side by side.  I knew I was making progress by the way my clothes fit, how I felt, the decreasing number on the scale and in many other ways, but WOW.  Seeing it in a photo really shows me how much work I've put in and how it's shown up in REAL RESULTS for me!

This Workout Wednesday I wanted to take a moment to reflect, not just on my results from the past 21 days, but on where I started this year and where I am today.  I never set about this journey with a goal of "trying to be skinny" or trying to be an unrealistic version of myself.  I just wanted to feel more comfortable in the clothes I own now and improve my overall health.  I know carrying some extra weight is not good for my body and I wanted take care of myself.  You only get one body and one life.  Shouldn't I try to make the most of it?  I wanted to feel STRONGER and HEALTHIER and I have accomplished that goal!  It feels amazing to be here today, knowing that all the struggles, the sweat, the was all worth it.  And you know what?  The sweat and spinach isn't so bad, haha!  

But this is not the end.  This is just a moment in time along my continuous journey for a life of balance, of simple food and of happiness.  That means there is room for rest days, vacations, cheese, wine, pasta and any other little pleasures you enjoy.  There is also room for exercise, vegetables, bike rides, walks, fruits, whole grains, burpees and sweat...all just another form of little pleasures.  

I changed my mindset from dreading workouts to being HAPPY I have a healthy body that is ABLE to workout.  Now I look forward to getting my sweat on and view exercise as another activity I GET to do, not something I HAVE to do.

In regards to the 21 Day Fix, I really enjoyed this program!  I loved the fact that it is based on 21 days.  It's much easier to set your mind to accomplishing a short term goal like 3 weeks rather than an 8 or 10 week program.  Suddenly the first week was over and I only had 14 more days left.  Then it was just 1 week left.  And when I was on my last day, I was surprised how fast it had gone and what a difference I had made in just 21 days.

From Day 1 to Day 21 I lost a total of 6 pounds and 4 inches!

And guess what I did on Day 22?  I ate whole wheat spaghetti with pesto for breakfast and pizza for my dinner, haha.  Keeping it real my friends, keeping it REAL!  But, I also did a 3 mile run/walk and one of my beloved T25 workouts.  Again, it's about balance.  I ate my fair share of pizza this year and I'm sure many more delicious slices are in my future.  But I also know how to BALANCE it with a healthy diet 80% of the time and almost daily exercise.

You know what else was a HUGE help for me on this journey??  My online Challenge Group.  With their constant accountability and motivation, they helped keep me moving forward in this challenge.  It is a wonderful, safe place to share my struggles, my victories, my goals, my hurdles.  One of my favorite things about it?  Everyone is on their own personal journey.  Some are just starting and some have been on this path for years. Everyone has their own struggles and goals and it's amazing to see how we all come together to help each other. 

Does this sound like something you would like to experience for yourself?  Find me on Facebook HERE and send me a message.  

I'd love to be YOUR COACH and help you start YOUR JOURNEY.  

Why wait?

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