Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Workout Wednesday - 21 Day Fix Preview

I'm anxious to tackle my next program and this time I'm trying out the 21 Day Fix.  The main focus here is portion control.  The plan comes with 30 minute workouts.  I'm not worried about the exercise.  I'm a little more worried about the meal planning.  This will be my first time attempting this program and it looks like it requires some definite advance planning. I'm going to use this week and the weekend to look over the meal plan, grocery shop, food prep, etc.

I figure it may take a few days for me to get a hang of it but you can do anything for 21 days. Even avoid pizza (my weakness!)  Although, the plan does allow for some comfort foods (including pizza and wine!) I am going to try my first round abstaining from those lovely items.  Why you ask?  Mostly just as a personal challenge to myself to see if I can do it. Pizza will always be there. 

I'm excited about trying it and even more pumped that I'm part of a great, online, private Challenge Group that will be there to keep me accountable, motivate me and share their experiences with the program.

Look at all the cool stuff I got with the program!  Portioned containers, exercise DVDs and an eating plan.  The basic idea is you get a certain amount of those containers each day. For example, I get to fill that green container three times and the red one gets filled 4 times in a day.  The plan comes with a super helpful list of recommended items to fill each container with.  You can mix and match and make all sorts of meals and snacks out of it without having to count calories,

Want to join me on this 21 day journey?  Find me on Facebook HERE!  Feel free to send me a message if you're curious about this or another fitness program.

I'll keep you all posted as I go through this new challenge.  Diving in 100% on Monday!

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