Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Workout Wednesday - Day #10 of the 21 Day Fix

Another Workout Wednesday, another workout done...One more closer to my goal of finishing the 21 Day Fix!

Today is Day 10 and I have gotten a much better grasp on the portion containers than I had on Day 3.  If you're looking for a program to help you learn the best types of foods to eat and how to control your portions without feeling like you're starving, I would definitely recommend this one!

The program comes with a list of foods, ranked from the best choice to the "still-good-but-not-as-ideal" choice.  There is a list for each portion container or category (Vegetables, Fruits, Proteins, etc.)  I have brought this list grocery shopping with me.  It helps me plan my meals and search out the best vegetable for my body in the produce section.

  • Nutrition...on track!
  • Workouts...on track!  

I've really been enjoying the workouts now that I've gotten through a full week of them. They are quick (only 30 minutes, inclusive of the warm up and cool down phases) and fun.  Fun!? How can workouts be fun??  

The part I think is fun is seeing how your body can do things you might not have thought it was capable of.  It's fun to see your body progress and improve, getting stronger each day. It's also fun to yell back at the TV when the trainer is pushing you through a move you're not particularly fond of, haha!

Here's a sampling of some moves from the Upper Fix workout.  I really like how this program incorporates light weights into a good majority of the moves.  I feel like I'm really getting the best workout possible in just a little bit of time.

Even my push ups are improving!  They're still hella hard but I'm trying my best!

OK great, so you're eating well and working out but is it making a difference???


I was down three pounds in my first week of the program.  I surprised myself with that number!  And, further motivation/a sign it's working, I wore my size 6 jeans to work today and was told several times the jeans were too big for me...score!  I knew they were fitting me much more comfortably, which I am so happy about, but it's always nice to get compliments from another person.  

10 days down...

11 days to go...

Stay tuned for another update next Workout Wednesday!

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