Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Workout Wednesday - Day #3 of the 21 Day Fix

I am officially at the start of a new program!  As I mentioned last week, this time I am trying my hand at the 21 Day Fix.  The workout plan is easy enough.  Each day you do the same exercise routine, adding doubles if you want for the 3rd week.  There is also a 10 minute ab routine you can add whenever you want but I haven't worked up the courage to try that one yet, ha!

I am coming off of T25 which is pretty intense as far as the exercise routines go.  I did have about a two week break in between ending T25 and starting the 21DF where I didn't exercise quite as regularly (just a few times a week).  On my first 21DF workout, I thought, "This is easy!"  Fast forward 15 minutes into the workout and 3 days later...not so easy!  So far it incorporates weights into most of the exercises which T25 did not do. I gotta tell you, I am feeling soreness in all my muscles right now BUT that means my muscles are working and changing so I'll take the soreness. :)

And, I'm trying to get back into my Wednesday MORNING workout routine.  I have certainly slacked off on the early morning thing but I'm recommitting to one early day a week. That's do-able!  I accomplished it this morning and felt so good after getting it done and starting my day off with a healthy sweat.  I forget how good it feels to have that done before the rest of my day starts!  Remind me of that next Wednesday morning when my alarm goes off early, haha!

A routine that I have kept up is my workout calendar.  It's an easy way for me to see what workouts I have planned for the week and which ones I've knocked out.  Each time I complete a workout I give myself an orange sticker.  I was looking for gold star stickers at the dollar store but couldn't find them so I settled on the orange circles. :)

This really helps keep me accountable and it's exciting to see a week and then the month fill up with orange circles.  It reminds me of how much I've done and how satisfying it is to stick one of those circles onto the calendar.

Tomorrow I have Pilates Fix as my workout.  I'm curious to see what that's like as I'm not very familiar with pilates.  I'll let you know how it goes...

The other major portion of this program is the meal planning and the portion containers. That part I'm still not 100% comfortable with.  It's like a food puzzle trying to figure out what to eat, how the colored containers work, etc.  I'm learning through trial and error this week and believe I may have a better game plan for prepping this weekend for the next week ahead.  At the very least I know I'm eating whole foods...lean proteins, veggies, fruits, healthy fats, my yummy Shake-o and keeping carbs to a minimum.  If I don't exactly get the container count right I figure I can't go off the rails too badly if I'm eating whole foods.

See you next Workout Wednesday!

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